
Released July 16, 2021

New features

  • Xrange time series chart

  • Setting to disable storage cache for explicit event types

  • [ Operations ] Support for changing web server properties

  • Color picker now has a Transparent color option

Fixes and improvements

  • Performance optimization for short-lived queries

  • Performance optimization for the dashboard span picker

  • Non-following queries with errors are destroyed now

  • [fixed] Closing the warning message on the dashboard progress bar hides the progress bar forever

  • [fixed] Individual tooltip not showing the closest channel to the mouse cursor

  • Cumulative fixes from 3.2.1 stable version

    • Add query span to __queries start events

    • [fixed] In some extreme cases, query statistics metrics can be discarded

    • [fixed] Dashboard yAxis properties can't be used if there's a @meta

  • Cumulative fixes from 3.1.2 stable version

    • [fixed] In some cases, the default Time Series widget isn't isn't showing the current X Value on the Tooltip

  • Cumulative fixes from 2.29.11 stable version

    • Dashboard filter selector should warning if the list is incomplete


Xrange chart

Xrange is a new pipes chart type.

It can be used at any Time-Series widget as a new layer

The Xrange chart expects an event with:

number start
number end
string title
string color

The following query can be used as a starting point:

=> every 5 min
=> expand (wend()-1000*20 as start, 
           wend() as end, 
           'Some message' as title,
           'orange' as color) 

Setting to disable storage cache

A new settings option was added to the System and Display Settings.

This new Cache setting can be used to configure a regular expression for event types that should not be cached

Color picker with Transparent color option

It was added a new Transparent option in the Color picker

Last updated