State Timeline

A state timeline is a way of representing events that occurs over time.

Each state will be rendered as a bar starting at the event timestamp. The bar will end just before the start of the next state or at the present time if there is no next state.

The value of the state must be a string and will be showed in the legend and the tooltip.

The color of the bar must be set using __color.

This functionality is provided by the live-exploratory-viz plugin. It is available on the marketplace.

The chart settings allow you to choose its orientation, whether or not to display a tooltip when hovering the mouse over the states and the space available for the legend.

Example of use

Using the pipes query below as an example:

def @@states: newmap("0", "pare", "1", "ande", "2", "atenção"):const;
def @@colors: newmap("0", "red", "1", "green", "2", "yellow"):const;
=> random(0,3):floor(0) as state every 15 min
=> @@states:get(state$) as value, @@colors:get(state$) as __color

We can obtain a chart similar to this one:

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