
Released August 13, 2021

New features

  • Added basic support for viewing & editing widgets outside dashboards

  • New metric about unexpected restarts

Fixes and improvements

  • Dashboard Performance Report

    • [fixed] If a user without permission clicks on a link on the Report, it shows an empty screen

    • [fixed] If a user opens the Report while the dashboard is loading, it shows an error screen

    • Format long time periods using different time units (ms, s, m, etc)

  • [fixed] Export dashboard option is displayed even without the plugin widget-export

  • [fixed] Uniforms the icon to represent the ordering criteria of tables and lists

  • Add missing English translations in confirmation modal

  • Plugin admin page

    • Verify broken dependencies inter-plugins and show a consolidated warning

    • Validates installed plugins and recommends download from marketplace whenever important plugins are missing

  • Update the fallback page with links to download live-ui, when it's not available


Dashboard Performance Report

Live 3.5.0 has a few improvements on this feature that was introduced on Live 3.1.0.

The first improvement was a bug fixed. In previous versions, if a user without Edit Dashboard permission clicks in a link to edit the widget he/she would be redirected to an empty screen.

Lives 3.5.0 removes the link if a given user doesn't have permission to Edit Dashboards

Starting on Live 3.5.0, this report will stay disabled until the dashboard is completely loaded

The last improvement is related to the way it presents the data.

As demonstrated in the image above, any duration in the report was presented in ms in previous versions.

Live 3.5.0 formats all durations presented in the Dashboard Performance Report

Plugin admin page

Live 3.5.0 introduces a consolidated report on the plugin admin page. This report contains plugin recommendations and lists all missing plugins.

These recommendations are categorized into:

  • User experience

  • Storage

  • Operations

A plugin is considered missing if it's not installed but it's required by another plugin. Is important to notice that this functionality will not check for different versions and the current state of a given plugin. Therefore, the version check for each plugin is still available:

Last updated