It provides the capability to register and run Groovy snippets, using the same API that is available to Java.
A Groovy snippet is limited to be a standalone piece of code, which means it is unable to declare and use other plugin dependencies. If you need to write a more advanced Groovy code, you must upload that code as a Groovy script in Plugins administration page .
For example, the snippet below adds a resource to get a thread dump.
Copy import java . lang . management . LockInfo ;
import java . lang . management . ManagementFactory ;
import java . lang . management . MonitorInfo ;
import java . lang . management . ThreadInfo ;
import javax . ws . rs . GET ;
import javax . ws . rs . Path ;
import javax . ws . rs . Produces ;
live . web () . addService ( "threaddump" , new ThreadDumpService() );
@ Path ( "/" )
@ Produces ( "text/plain" )
public class ThreadDumpService {
public String threadDump () {
return formatStackTraces() +
"\n---------------------------------------------------\n" +
memoryInformation() +
"\n---------------------------------------------------\n" +
String formatStackTraces () {
ThreadInfo [] allThreads = ManagementFactory . getThreadMXBean () . dumpAllThreads ( true , true );
StringBuilder dump = new StringBuilder() ;
for ( ThreadInfo threadInfo : allThreads) {
dump . append ( "Thread: [" ) . append ( threadInfo . getThreadName ())
. append ( "] state=" ) . append ( threadInfo . getThreadState ()) . append ( "\n" );
if ( threadInfo . getLockInfo () != null ) {
dump . append ( "Waiting " ) . append ( threadInfo . getLockInfo ()) . append ( "\n" );
if ( threadInfo . getLockedMonitors () != null && threadInfo . getLockedMonitors () . length > 0 ) {
dump . append ( "Currently locking monitors:\n" );
for ( MonitorInfo monitor : threadInfo . getLockedMonitors ()) {
dump . append ( " - " ) . append (monitor) . append ( "\n" );
if ( threadInfo . getLockedSynchronizers () != null && threadInfo . getLockedSynchronizers () . length > 0 ) {
dump . append ( "Currently locking Synchronizers:\n" );
for ( LockInfo synchronizer : threadInfo . getLockedSynchronizers ()) {
dump . append ( " - " ) . append (synchronizer) . append ( "\n" );
for ( StackTraceElement traceElement : threadInfo . getStackTrace ()) {
dump . append ( " at " ) . append (traceElement) . append ( "\n" );
dump . append ( "\n" );
return dump . toString ();
String memoryInformation () {
StringBuilder memInfo = new StringBuilder() ;
def memMxBean = ManagementFactory . memoryMXBean
memInfo . append ( "Head Memory Usage: " ) . append ( memMxBean . heapMemoryUsage )
. append ( "\nNonHead Memory Usage: " ) . append ( memMxBean . nonHeapMemoryUsage )
return memInfo . toString ();
String garbageCollectorInformation () {
StringBuilder gcInfo = new StringBuilder() ;
ManagementFactory . garbageCollectorMXBeans . each {gc ->
gcInfo . append ( "MemoryManager: " ) . append ( gc . name ) . append ( " valid: " ) . append ( gc . valid )
. append ( " collectionCount: " ) . append ( gc . collectionCount ) . append ( " collectionTime: " ) . append ( gc . collectionTime ) . append ( "\n" )
return gcInfo . toString ()