
Released November 19, 2021

Fixes and improvements

  • Rules interface now shows the "provider" on every item

  • [fixed] Some of the sub-menu items are hiding on mouse over

  • [fixed] Truncated filters should show a tooltip when hovering any part of it

  • [fixed] Codemirror is not working on firefox for Mac

  • [fixed] Empty widget is not draggable

  • [fixed] Channel value is not showing in the header when the series is out of the y-axis

  • [fixed] The axis header does not show values after change configuration

  • [fixed] User is not able to click 'restore default' to make the widget follow the dashboard's span

  • [fixed] Axis does not receive properties correctly after ordering channels

  • Plugin interface

    • Add option to sort plugins

    • UI/UX improvements

    • Enable install a plugin by drag and drop a file on all page

Last updated