
Released August 27, 2021

New features

  • [Security] Generate audit event during login using HTTP Basic Authentication

  • [API] Add option to filter lookup table values by userId

Fixes and improvements

  • Performance optimization for short-lived queries

  • Add more information to metric events

  • UI/UX improvements

    • Setting to disable storage cache for explicit event types can now handle huge filters

    • Uniforms the icon to represent the ordering criteria of table widgets

    • Improvements in Storage stats administration page to support large collection names and better alignment in higher resolution screens

    • Configuration menu now closes when an item is selected

    • Improve delete messages in confirmation modals

    • Improve Admin>System and Display Settings>Log Events description

    • [fixed] Widget footer is blocking interactions

    • [fixed] Actions on purge rules screen seems to be deactivated

    • Multiple changes related to the theme, e.g. the console

Last updated