
Released January 28, 2022

New features

  • Weak/optional dependency for plugins

  • Live will reject plugins that contain copies of some JARs/Libraries

Fixes and improvements

  • Add new tabs(message, warning, dependencies) on plugins screen

  • Associate status Warning for plugins with version snapshot and development builds

  • Fix dashboard filter ordering of lookup table items


Optional dependency for plugins

Starting on Live 3.17.0 it's possible to create an optional dependency between plugins. The plugin will start normally even if an optional dependency artifact is missing at runtime. In that case, the plugin should handle manually an eventual NoClassDefFoundError that can be risen if a class of a missing optional dependency is accessed.

You can find more details about plugin dependency here.

Live will reject plugins that contain copies of some JARs/Libraries

It occasionally happens that a plugin accidentally includes a copy of a JAR file it shouldn't. In particular, having copies of potentially vulnerable log4j artifacts should be avoided, even if they won't be used.

Starting on Live 3.17.0, it will reject plugins that include classes from a list of banned classes, initially including Live, Pipes, and several logging artifacts.

Last updated