Widget Request Interceptors

Live provides an API where plugins can intercept and alter any widget request before it reaches the backend.

The Widget Request Interceptor API

This API let's you register a function that will be called before a widget request is made, this function has complete control over the widget request object and may return a promise. Widgets are constantly observing the list of interceptors and will reload everytime a intercepor is added or removed.

How to use

Imagine that the plugin-number-precision wishes to change every widget request to include the { precisionLevel: HIGH } parameter which is passed down to the query and causes the pipe engine to output every numeric value with the highest precision possible.

This can be achieved by using a widget request interceptor as follows:

// plugin-number-precision/src/webapp/main.ts

import { LiveApi } from 'live/lib/api'

// This function will be called before every widget request is made.
function includePrecision(widgetRequest, dashboardParams) {
    // Don't change anything on edit mode 
    if (dashboardParams?.mode === 'edit' ) {
        return widgetRequest
    // Add custom parameter
    widgetRequest.userConfig.precisionLevel = 'HIGH'
    return widgetRequest


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